Printable .pdf versions of our USA Climbing Rulebook, this rule book houses all of the important information: Competition Disciplines, General Rules, Protocols, Policies and more.
Resources related to competitors, judges, hosts, route setters etc.
USA Climbing Judicial Committee Procedures
Appeals Form
USA Climbing Grievance Policy
USA Climbing Special Case List
Athlete Representation Working Group Report
Injury Surveillance Opt-Out Form – CRIMP
USA Climbing Incident Report Form
The USA Climbing Competition Belaying Working Group (CBWG) was formed to provide guidance, instruction, and standards around belaying at USA Climbing competitions, as outlined in the Working Group’s Charter as approved by the USA Climbing Board of Directors.
The CBWG’s focus is safety, competition fairness, and consistency for belaying across all USA Climbing competitions, championship events, invitational events, open events, and local events. All competition series are included: Youth, Collegiate, Paraclimbing, and Open (Adult).
USA Climbing Belaying Working Group Charter
USA Climbing Belaying Working Group Handbook
USA Climbing National Championships Belayer Interest Form
Virtual Collegiate Series Redpoint Placards
Virtual Paraclimbing Series Redpoint Placards
I acknowledge that is the duty of each USA Climbing member to comply with all anti-doping rules of the IFSC and of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), including the USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing (USADA Protocol) and all other policies and rules adopted by the IFSC, USADA and the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC). I agree to submit to drug testing by the IFSC and/or USADA or their designees at any time and understand that the use of methods or substances prohibited by the applicable anti-doping rules make me subject to penalties including, but not limited to, disqualification and suspension. If it is determined that I may have committed a doping violation, I agree to submit to the results management authority and processes of USADA, including arbitration under the USADA Protocol, or to the results management authority of the IFSC and/or USA Climbing, if applicable or referred by USADA.
[August 20th, 2020]
The athlete/coach relationship is a privileged one. Coaches play a critical role in the personal and athleticdevelopment of their athletes. They must understand and respect the inherent power imbalance that exists in this relationship and be extremely careful not to abuse it. Coaches must also recognize that they are conduits throughwhich the values and goals of a sport organization are channeled. Thus, how athletes regard their sport and USA Climbing is often dependent on the behavior of the coach(es). The following code of conduct has been developed toaid coaches in achieving a level of behavior that will allow them to assist their athletes in becoming well-rounded, self-confident, and productive individuals.
Coaches Obligations
Coaches shall:
1. Ensure the safety of their athletes, with whom they work, and the athletes around them.
2. Adhere to USA Climbing’s Safe Sport policies and procedures, including USA Climbing’s Safe Sport Policy and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy. These policies may be amended from time to time, in order to protect athletes from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. All coaches are required to complete USA Climbing’s annual Safe Sport training.
3. Follow all rules and policies as outlined in the USA Climbing rule books.
4. Adhere to the anti-doping rules and procedures adopted by the United States Anti-Doping Agency and World Anti-Doping Agency, as such rules may be amended from time to time and never advocate or condone the use of drugs or other banned performance-enhancing substances.
5. Treat all athletes, parents, coaches, volunteers, judges/officials, and USA Climbing associates fairly and with respect.
6. Not actively pursue or solicit athletes who are members of another team.
7. Treat everyone fairly within the context of their activity regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, race,sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, religion, economic status, disability, or team affiliation.
8. Direct comments or criticism at the performance rather than the athlete.
9. Consistently display high personal standards and project a favorable image of their sport, USA Climbing, and of coaching.
For example, coaches shall:
a) Refrain from public criticism of fellow coaches, athletes, parents, judges and USA Climbing;
b) Abstain from the use of tobacco while in the presence of their athletes and discourage its use, and refrain from the consumption of alcohol or other behavior-altering substances while responsible for minors;
c) Discourage the use of alcohol in conjunction with events or victory celebrations; and
d) Refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing, or otherwise offensive language in the conduct of their duties.
10. Ensure that the activity being undertaken is suitable for the age, experience, ability, and fitness level of the athletes and educate athletes as to their responsibilities in contributing to a safe, fun environment.
11. Consider the athlete’s future health and well-being as foremost when making decisions regarding an injured athlete’s ability to continue climbing or training.
12. Regularly seek ways of increasing professional development, maintaining a connection to the climbing community, and keeping current with USA Climbing rules and policies.
13. Treat opponents, host facility personnel, judges/officials, parents, and USA Climbing associates with due respect, both in victory and defeat, and teach and encourage athletes to do the same.
14. In the case of minors, communicate and cooperate with the athlete’s parents or guardians, involving them indecisions pertaining to their child’s development.
15. Be aware of the academic pressure placed on student-athletes and conduct practices and competitions in a manner so as to allow academic success.
16. Promptly disclose in writing to USA Climbing any and all of the following (including pending cases):
SEX OFFENSES o All Sex Offenses – Regardless of the amount of time since offense.
Examples include: child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, prostitution, pornography, indecent exposure, etc.
o Sex offender registrant.
FELONIES o All Felony Violence – Regardless of the amount of time since offense
Examples include: murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery, aggravated Burglary, etc.
o All Felony offenses other than violence or sex – Regardless of the amount of time since offense.
Examples include: drug offenses, theft, embezzlement, fraud, child endangerment, etc
MISDEMEANORS o All misdemeanor violence offenses – Regardless of the amount of time since offense.
Examples include: simple assault, battery, domestic violence, hit & run, etc.
o All misdemeanor drug & alcohol offenses within the past 5 years or multiple offenses[1]regardless of the amount of time since offense.
Examples include: driving under the influence, simple drug possession, drunk and disorderly, public intoxication, possession of drug paraphernalia, etc.
o Any other misdemeanor involving harm to minors – Regardless of the amount of time since offense.
Examples include: contributing to the delinquency of a minor, providing alcohol to a minor, theft of team funds if person is handling monies, etc.
o Any offense involving cruelty to animals – Regardless of the amount of time since offense
PENDING CASES o A Covered Individual who has been charged for any of the disqualifying offenses or for cases pending in court should not be permitted to serve as a Covered Individual until the official adjudication of the case.
Other Potentially Disqualifying Factors
Even if a Covered Individual passes a criminal background check, other factors may disqualify the Covered Individual from employment with USA Climbing or participation in USA Climbing programs. An individual may be disqualified if the individual has:
Been subject to any court order involving any emotional, sexual, or physical abuse of another person, including but not limited, to domestic order of protection; A history with another organization (employment, volunteer, etc.) of complaints of emotional, sexual, or physical abuse of another person; Resigned, been terminated, or been asked to resign from a position–paid or unpaid–due to complaint(s) of emotional, sexual, or physical abuse of another person; A history of other behavior that demonstrates the potential for danger to participants in USA Climbing; Given false or misleading information; or Not met the job requirements. Repercussions
Failure to follow this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, which may include the issuance of a warning,or temporary or permanent loss of coaching privileges.
Coaches Attestation
I have read and understand the above statements and agree to adhere to this USA Climbing Coaches Code ofConduct. I consent to disclosure to any third party, including to the climbing gym or climbing program where I am employed or seeking to be employed, of information regarding the results of any background check, any allegations against me, and any decision by USA Climbing to provisionally or conclusively deny, suspend or condition my coaching certification, to the extent that disclosure of such information is related to USA Climbing’s efforts to promote athlete and other member safety and well-being. I acknowledge and agree that my exclusive remedies for disputes arising out of my coaching certification are (a) a hearing conducted by a hearing panel convened by USA Climbing, and, if I have availed myself of that hearing and dispute the outcome, (b) arbitration conducted under the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association.
[1] Multiple charges related to the same underlying offense on the same date are not considered “multiple offenses.”
Any information that a USA Climbing employee, director or member of a committee or task force (together, a “USAC Representative”) learns about USA Climbing or its members that is not otherwise publicly available constitutes confidential information. USAC Representatives may not disclose any such confidential information to anyone who is not a USAC Representative except as necessary to perform his or her functions for USA Climbing and then only with reasonable expectation of non-disclosure by such third party.
Designation of Complaints.The following kinds of complaints may be filed with USA Climbing:
Administrative Grievance. USA Climbing or any member of USA Climbing may file a complaint pertaining to any matter within the cognizance of USA Climbing, including but not limited to any alleged violation of or grievance concerning:
any USA Climbing rule or regulation, any applicable Safe Sport Policy including the Minor Athlete Abuse Protection Policy of the US Center for Safe Sport (the “MAAPP”), any provision of USA Climbing’s Bylaws, or any provision of the Ted Stevens Act relating to USA Climbing’s recognition as a National Governing Body; Disciplinary Proceeding. USA Climbing or any member of USA Climbing may file a complaint against another member of USA Climbing, or former member of USA Climbing if the action occurred while the individual was a member, regarding any alleged violation of any USA Climbing rule or regulation relating to conduct, including without limitation USA Climbing’s Safe Sport Policies, and including any other applicable Safe Sport Policy such as the MAAPP, but in each case subject to Section 7 (U.S. Center for Safe Sport) below. Right to Participate. Any Athlete, coach, trainer, manager, administrator or official may file a complaint pertaining to any alleged denial, or alleged threat to deny, of that individual’s opportunity to participate in a USA Climbing sanctioned competition, including in a Protected Competition as defined in Section 11 of the Bylaws.
Jurisdiction.Any member of USA Climbing, by reason of membership, agrees to be subject to these complaint proceduresand agrees to be bound by any decision rendered pursuant to these complaint procedures. In addition, persons other than members, by reason of participation in any competition or event sanctioned by USA Climbing or itsmember organizations, if any, including each athlete, coach, trainer, agent, athlete support personnel, medicalor para- medical personnel, team staff, judge, routesetter, official and other person who participates in USAClimbing or USA Climbing events, agree to be subject to Section 7 (U.S. Center for Safe Sport) below. Manner of Filing. The complainant shall file the complaint with the Judicial Committee. The complaint shall set forth in clear andconcise written language, preferably in numbered paragraphs: (i) the alleged violation or noncompliance,grievance, denial or threat to deny, (ii) the remedy requested, and (iii) the ability to attach evidence anddocumentation to support the allegation. The complainant shall sign the complaint and identify their full nameand membership information. The complaint shall be addressed to a Board or Committee member, and theCEO.
Filing Fee.A complaint shall be accompanied by a filing fee, except with respect to complaints under Section7 (U.S. Centerfor Safe Sport) below or reports of athlete safety violations. The amount of the fee shall be set no morefrequently than annually by the Board of Directors and shall be set forth in the Rulebook or any MembershipHandbook of USA Climbing published to members. The complainant may request that the filing fee be reducedor waived for reasons of significant financial hardship. If such request is made, the Judicial Committee shalldetermine whether or not to reduce or waive the filing fee. Statute of Limitations.A complaint filed under these Bylaws shall be filed within one hundred eighty (180) days of the occurrence ofthe alleged violation, grievance, denial or threat to deny, except that there shall be no time bar for actionsregarding Safe Sport disciplinary proceedings. Doping Decisions.A decision concerning a doping violation adjudicated by the independent anti-doping organization designatedby the USOPC to serve as the U.S. National Anti-Doping Organization (currently the United States Anti-DopingAgency) shall not be reviewable through, or the subject of, these complaint procedures. U.S. Center for Safe Sport.As a member National Governing Body (“NGB”) of the USOPC, USA Climbing is required to adhere to the safe sport rules and regulations of the USOPC. Additionally, USOPC Bylaw Section 8.7(l) provides that, as a condition of membership in the USOPC, each NGB shall comply with the policies and procedures of the independent safe sport organization designated by the USOPC to investigate and resolve safe sport violations. The USOPC has designated the U.S. Center for Safe Sport as that organization. The current safe sport rules, policies and procedures are available on-line at the following website:
The delegation of authority and jurisdiction to the U.S. Center for Safe Sport as set forth above, shall includematters involving allegations of sexual misconduct, including sexual abuse, and shall also include the investigation and issuance of sanctions related to allegations of other violations of USA Climbing Safe Sport Policies (e.g., physical abuse, emotional abuse, bullying, harassment and hazing) that are reasonably related to and which accompany an allegation that involves sexual misconduct. Additionally, in the discretion of USA Climbing or at the recommendation of the Judicial Committee, USA Climbing may request that the U.S. Center for Safe Sport accept jurisdiction of matters that do not involve sexual misconduct but do involve allegations of physical abuse, emotional abuse, bullying, harassment or hazing.
A decision concerning a Safe Sport violation adjudicated by the independent Safe Sport organization designatedby the USOPC (currently the U.S. Center for Safe Sport) shall not be reviewable through, or the subject of, these complaint procedures; provided, however, that USA Climbing may, under its own procedures, take appropriate interim measures in accordance with the policies and procedures of the U.S. Center for Safe Sport. The duty to report to the U.S. Center for Safe Sport, and the U.S. Center for Safe Sport’s jurisdiction to investigate, shall not supersede any local, state, or federal reporting requirements or jurisdiction, and shall not affect or impair the ability of any person that reports to the U.S. Center for Safe Sport from also reporting to the appropriate local, state or federal authorities. Upon USA Climbing becoming aware of the issuance by the U.S. Center for Safe Sport of any interim or permanent suspension, disciplinary action, sanction or other measures, after conclusion of the adjudicativeprocess or by agreement subjecting a person to suspension or other sanction, USA Climbing shall enforce such suspension or other sanctions to the extent applicable, even if such suspension or other sanctions arose from allegations outside of USA Climbing programs. Field of Play Decisions.The final decision of a referee during a competition regarding a field of play decision (a matter set forth in the rules of the competition to be within the discretion of the referee) shall not be the subject of, or reviewablethrough the procedures for, Administrative Grievances or Right to Participate Complaints unless the decision is: (i) outside the authority of the referee to make, or (ii) the product of fraud, corruption, partiality or other misconduct of the referee. For purposes of this Section, the term “referee” shall include any individual withdiscretion to make field of play decisions, including any and all competition judges and officials. Administration. The Judicial Committee shall administer and oversee all matters arising under Section 1 above, except whereotherwise required under Sections 6 (Doping Decisions) or 7 (U.S. Center for Safe Sport) above. The JudicialCommittee shall be responsible to ensure that all complaints are heard in a timely, fair and impartial manner.All parties shall be afforded basic due process rights. The Judicial Committee may promulgate procedures inaddition to those set forth in this policy that do not conflict with this policy for the effective administration of matters arising under Section 1 above, including procedures for confirming that any person serving on aHearing Panel discloses any conflicts of interest with respect to the particular proceeding being heard or partiesinvolved in such proceeding. USA Climbing or the Judicial Committee may provisionally suspend an accusedindividual, pending investigation and/or final resolution, subject to such individual being offered the opportunity to request a Hearing solely to consider whether there is sufficient evidence to support such provisionalsuspension. If a provisional suspension is in effect, the Judicial Committee will endeavor to cause aninvestigation or other proceeding to be conducted in a reasonably prompt manner under the circumstances. Hearing Panel.Matters arising under Section 1 above shall be referred to the Judicial Committee.
Upon becoming aware of any matter under Section 1 above, the Judicial Committee shall appoint a Hearing Panel, which shall consist of either of the following: (i) its full Committee membership, or (ii) no fewer than three (3) individuals, which may include members of the Judicial Committee and/or may include individuals drawn from the Hearing Panel Pool identified in accordance with Section 9.16(d)(5) of the Bylaws. At least twenty percent (20%) of the members of the Hearing Panel shall be Athletes who meet the eligibility criteria for 10 Year Athlete Representatives, 10 Year + Athlete Representatives, or Actively Engaged Athlete Representatives described in Section 11.8(a) of the Bylaws, and provided that the Hearing Panel will be deemed a Designated Committee under the Bylaws (with resulting requirements for being 10 Year Athlete Representatives or 10 Year + Athlete Representatives) if convened to adjudicate a matter of an individual’s right to participate in Protected Competition (as defined in Section 11.8 of the Bylaws). The Hearing Panel shall only include disinterested and impartial individuals as it relates to the matter of the complaint. Once appointed, the members of the Hearing Panel shall be communicated to the parties. If the Judicial Committee in full is serving as the Hearing Panel, the Chair of the Judicial Committee shall be the Chair of the Hearing Panel. In other cases, the Judicial Committee shall appoint a member of the Hearing Panel as a Chair of the Hearing Panel. The Hearing Panel will issue notice of charges or alleged violations, with specificity and in writing, and possible consequences if the charges or violations are found to be true. The notice shall be delivered to the respondent within 14 business days after receipt by USA Climbing, without just cause for delay. Reasonable time will be provided between receipt of notice of charges or violations and the Hearing with respect thereof, within which to prepare a defense. Identity of the witnesses that will appear at the Hearing shall be made known to all parties in advance of the Hearing. The Hearing Panel shall rule on all motions and other matters raised in the proceeding, including dismissal prior to Hearing if the matter is resolved. If the complaint is not dismissed, the Hearing Panel shall hold a hearing on the complaint. The Hearing Panel shall set such timelines and other rules regarding the proceeding and the conduct of the Hearing as it deems necessary, including that the Hearing may be conducted on the basis of written (including electronic) submissions. The Hearing shall be informal. A written decision, with reasons therefore, based solely on the evidence of record, will be handed down in a timely fashion.
Enhanced Hearing Panel Proceedings. At the specific written request of USA Climbing, or of a USA Climbing member who is party to a matter underSection 1, the Hearing Panel shall adhere to each of the following additional procedural requirements, to theextent applicable, that is specified in such request: Testimony shall be taken under oath. The Hearing shall be conducted in person (which, at the discretion of the Hearing Panel, may include by teleconference, if necessary or convenient to the parties) and occur at a time and place such that all parties are able to attend. Each party shall have the right to appear personally or through a legal representative. All parties shall be given a reasonable opportunity to present and examine evidence, cross- examine witnesses and to develop and present argument, with members of the Hearing Panel having the right to question witnesses or the parties to the proceeding at any time. Any party may have a record made of the Hearing. A court reporter may be present at the Hearing at the request of a party. The court reporter shall be paid for by the party requesting the court reporter, or if mutually agreed, the cost may be equally divided. Any transcript shall be paid for by the party requesting the transcript. The Hearing must take place within a reasonable time, not to exceed 90 days after the last filing with USA Climbing, without just cause for delay.
Where a request for enhanced procedures has been made under this Section 11, the Judicial Committee mayreconstitute the Hearing Panel to include Hearing Panel members with expertise to implement the enhancedprocedures, so long as the replacement Hearing Panel meets the standards set forth in Sections 10 (b) and (c)above. Expedited Procedures.Upon the request of a party, and provided that it is necessary to expedite the proceeding in order to resolve amatter relating to a competition that is so scheduled that compliance with regular procedures would not be likely to produce a sufficiently early decision to do justice to the affected parties, the Judicial Committee is authorized toorder that the complaint be heard and decided within forty-eight
(48) hours of the filing of the complaint. In such a case, including where a Hearing Panel has been requested tofollow enhanced procedures under Section 11 above, the Hearing Panel is authorized to hear and decide thecomplaint pursuant to such procedures as are necessary, but fair to the parties involved. Complaints Involving Selection to Participate in a Competition. Where a complaint is filed involving selection of an individual to participate in a competition, the complainant shall include with the complaint a list of all other individuals, together with their contact information or astatement that the complainant is unaware of such contact information, who may be adversely affected by adecision rendered on the complaint. The respondent to the complaint shall also submit, upon request of theJudicial Committee or the Hearing Panel, a list of individuals, together with their contact information or astatement that the respondent is unaware of such contact information,
who may be adversely affected by a decision rendered on the complaint. The Hearing Panel shall determinethose individuals who must receive notice of the complaint. The Hearing Panel, or the Judicial Committee or USA Climbing CEO at the request of the Hearing Panel, shall then be responsible for providing appropriate noticeto these individuals or may require the complainant to provide such notice. Any individual so notified then shallhave the option to participate in the proceeding as a party. If an individual is notified of the complaint, then thatindividual shall be bound by the decision of the Hearing Panel even though the individual chose not to participateas a party.
Decision.A decision shall be determined by a majority of the Hearing Panel. Decisions by a Hearing Panel shall be inwriting (which may include electronic communication) and distributed to the parties. Arbitration.Any party may appeal a decision of a Hearing Panel to the American Arbitration Association for bindingarbitration. The arbitrator appointed by the American Arbitration Association shall have the authority to hear thematter anew (de novo) or if requested by a party to render a decision on a more limited review. Either party may submit the decision of the Hearing Panel to the arbitrator for the arbitrator’s consideration. No Retaliation; Anonymous Complaints. Regardless of outcome, USA Climbing will support a complainant(s) and his or her right to express concerns ingood faith. USA Climbing will not encourage, allow or tolerate attempts from any individual to retaliate, punish,allow or in any way harm any individual(s) who reports a concern in good faith. Such actions against acomplainant will be considered a violation of USA Climbing’s policies and grounds for disciplinary action. USAClimbing nonetheless recognizes that it can be difficult for an individual to report an allegation of misconductand strives to remove as many barriers to reporting as possible.
Anonymous reports may be made, including by expressing concerns verbally or through an unsigned writtensubmission to USA Climbing’s Chief Executive Officer. Anonymous reporting may make it difficult for USAClimbing to investigate or properly address allegations.
I hereby authorize USA Climbing, its officers, employees, agents, affiliates, licensees, contractors, successors, and assigns, (“USAC”) to use my name; likeness, including my picture, portrait, or other image; and voice; (or the name; likeness, including the picture, portrait or other image; and voice of my minor child/ren on behalf of whom I am authorizing consent) separately or together, in any and all media, whether now existing or hereafter created, for purposes of advertising and trade associated with USAC, or relating to the products or services of USAC. USAC shall have the right to, alter or edit any captured image of my likeness or recording of my voice (or that of my minor child/ren noted above) in any manner it deems appropriate, and to use such name, likeness, and voice in conjunction with text, sound, and other images, including the likeness of others and to copyright any such uses. I hereby acknowledge that I will not receive any compensation from USAC for the use of my, or my child’s/children’s, name; likeness; and voice. I further release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue USAC based on the use of my, or my child’s/children’s, name; likeness; and voice, including alterations, or edits thereto, for purposes of advertising and trade associated with USAC.
Judges shall bear a great responsibility for engendering public confidence in the sport of competition climbing.
Judges shall be free of obligation to any interest other than the impartial and fair judging of climbing competitions.
Judges shall hold and maintain the basic tenets of judging which include history, integrity, neutrality, respect, sensitivity, professionalism, discretion and tactfulness.
Judges shall master both the rules of competition climbing and the mechanics necessary to enforce the rules, and shall exercise authority in an impartial, firm and controlled manner.
Judges shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession in all interactions with athletes, coaches, event personnel and fellow judges.
Judges shall display and execute superior communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal.
Judges shall recognize that anything which may lead to a conflict of interest, either real or apparent, must be avoided.
Judges shall prepare themselves both physically and mentally, shall dress neatly and appropriately, and shall comport themselves in a manner consistent with the high standards of the profession.
Judges shall be punctual and professional in the fulfillment of all volunteer or contractual obligations.
Judges shall work with each other and the USAC Administration in a constructive and cooperative manner.
Judges shall resist every temptation and outside pressure to use one’s position as a Judge to benefit oneself, family and/or friends.
Judges shall never participate in any form of illegal gambling on climbing competitions and may never gamble on any climbing competition in which they have either a direct or indirect involvement.
Judges shall not make false or misleading statements regarding their qualifications, certification, experience, training or competence.
Judges shall never use their position as a judge to gather information from the route map of a route/problem that has not been assigned to them for their own benefit or the benefit of a climber, coach, or team.
Judges shall accept responsibility for all actions taken.
Last modified: October 1, 2008
USA Climbing has created this Privacy Policy to disclose our online information practices and the choices you can make about the way your personal information is collected and used at the USA Climbing Website (Site).
USA Climbing reserves the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time. Such changes, revisions or modifications will be effective immediately upon notice to you, which may be given by any means including, without limitation, via posting on the Site. If the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice. Each version has an effective date listed at the top of the policy. Your continued use of the Site after such notice will be deemed to constitute acceptance of such changes, revisions or modifications. Please check this Privacy Policy periodically for changes.
The Site and the materials contained in the Site are presented solely for the use of users located in the United States of America and its territories and possessions, excluding Puerto Rico , American Samoa , Guam and the Virgin Islands . Guests who choose to visit the Site from outside of the United States of America are advised that this Privacy Policy does not necessarily comply with the privacy laws and regulations of the country from which you are accessing the Site. We therefore request that you do NOT provide personal information to us if you are accessing the Site from outside of the Unites States of America .
For purposes of this Privacy Policy, “personal information” means any individually identifiable information about a user of our Site including, but not limited to, your name, contact information (such as your mailing address and e-mail address), demographic information (such as your date of birth and income level), lifestyle-related information (such as your hobbies and interests), and financial information (such as your credit card number).
You may visit the Site as a guest, without providing any personal information to us. However, you may be required to provide personal information to us in order to take advantage of certain services and promotions offered via the Site. We may collect any personal information that you voluntarily provide to us in connection with your use of the Site, including but not limited to in connection with your:
participation in any online contest, sweepstakes or other promotions we might offer; making purchases from our online store; submission of questions or comments to us via the Site; use of the Site to transmit any User Content, including but not limited to participation in any e-mail services, message boards or chat rooms we may establish; inclusion in our online newsletter program; registration as a registered user of the Site; and donations. OUR USE AND DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION
We use the personal information that you voluntarily provide to us in order to fulfill the purpose for which you provided the information to us ( e.g. , in order to respond to your questions, to fulfill orders for products purchased via the Site, to award prizes pursuant to contests entered via the Site, etc.). We also use your contact information to send you information, advertising and promotional materials about USA Climbing, its member organizations, and their respective products, services and upcoming events. We may also call persons who provide their telephone numbers to us via the Site in order to provide you with information about USA Climbing, its member organizations, and their respective products, services and upcoming events, if you request.
We use the demographic and lifestyle-related information that you voluntarily provide to us in order to improve the content of the Site. We may also use this information to tailor your experience at the Site, showing you content, and to send you information, advertising and promotional materials about USA Climbing, its member organizations, and their respective products, services and upcoming events that we think might be of interest to you.
We use the financial information that you voluntarily provide to us solely to bill you for products you have ordered via the Site and donations to USA Climbing you have made via the Site.
The term “Site” refers to the several web sites owned by USA Climbing. We may disclose personal information that you provide to us via any one of the Sites with our other Sites. We may also disclose any personal information that you provide to us to any of our member organizations, who may use such personal information solely in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.
We will not disclose any personal information that you provide to us to any unaffiliated third party, except in accordance with this Privacy Policy or with your consent. We may disclose any personal information that you provide to us to our service providers with respect to the Site, provided that such service providers have agreed to only use such personal information to the extent necessary to perform services on behalf of USA Climbing. We may disclose personal information that you provide to us to USA Climbing’s partners, sponsors, suppliers or other unaffiliated third parties. However, we reserve the right to disclose personal information that you provide to us to unaffiliated third parties that have agreed in writing to use your personal information only in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. These unaffiliated third parties MAY use your personal information to send you information, advertising and promotional materials about their companies via mail, unless you OPT-OUT of receiving such third party materials. These unaffiliated third parties MAY NOT contact you via e-mail unless you OPT-IN to receiving such third party materials. To exercise your right to OPT-OUT of or OPT-IN to receiving such materials, please see the OPT-OUT/OPT-IN PROCEDURES section of this Privacy Policy.
We may disclose aggregate non-personally identifiable information about users of our Site to advertisers, sponsors, and other third parties. For example, we may disclose to any third party that X% of Site users are male, Y% of Site users reside in Colorado , etc. Our disclosure of aggregate information does not permit the recipient of such data to identify or contact any individual user of the Site.
Finally, we may use and disclose your personal information: (a) as is required by law; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to investigate claims with respect to use of the Site; (d) as is reasonably necessary to enforce the terms of the Agreement; and (d) as is reasonably necessary to protect the interests, rights or property of USA Climbing, its member organizations or others.
We understand that some of your personal information may change over time, or that you may later desire that we no longer use or disclose personal information that you previously provided to us. You can either: (x) edit your personal information on the Site; (y) follow the instructions in our e-mail newsletter to make changes or remove yourself from our mailing list; or (z) contact us pursuant to the procedures specified in the CONTACTING US section of this Privacy Policy.
Our Collection of Personal Information from Children Under the Age of 13
USA Climbing does not knowingly collect any personal information from children under the age of 13 (referred to herein as “children”). As is further explained in the USE OF IP ADDRESSES section of this Privacy Policy, we do not link the IP addresses of Site users to personal information other than in specified circumstances. As is further explained in the USE OF COOKIES section of this Privacy Policy, we do use cookies on our Site, but such cookies are not linked to personal information unless such personal information is voluntarily provided to us via the Site.
We encourage parents and guardians to spend time online with their children, and to take an active role to protect the privacy of their children, including but not limited to instructing their children not to disclose any personal information over the Internet without their prior permission. Once we have received verifiable parental consent, we may actively collect personal information from a child so that the child may participate in the following services and activities in connection with his or her use of the Site:
contests and promotions the rules of which permit entry by children; inclusion in our online newsletter program; and registration as a registered user of the Site. We may collect the following types of personal information from children in connection with such services and activities:
name and member name; age and birth date; e-mail address and mailing address; e-mail address of a parent or guardian; and favorite sports, hobbies, interests and extracurricular activities. USA Climbing will not condition a child’s participation in any game, the offering of a prize, or a child’s participation in any other activity on the child’s disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary for the child to participate in such activity.
We note that, in the course of a child’s use of our Site, the child may voluntarily provide further personal information about himself or herself to us – for example, by including personal information in messages submitted to us via the Site. We also note that we may collect personal information about a child from the child’s parent or guardian – for example, if the parent or guardian requests that we send our newsletter to the child.
Our Use and Disclosure of Personal Information Collected from Children Under the Age of 13
USA Climbing does not knowingly use any personal information about children unless we have first received verifiable parental consent to do so.
Once we have received verifiable parental consent, we may use personal information about children for the following purposes:
fulfilling the purpose for which the child, parent or guardian provided that personal information ( e.g. , contacting the child in response to a question submitted by the child; sending newsletters for which the child signed up to the child, etc.); and record keeping. Except as specified herein, USA Climbing does not knowingly disclose any personal information about children unless it has received specific verifiable parental consent to disclose such personal information for a particular purpose ( e.g. , publishing the name and image of a child who has won a contest). For purposes of this Privacy Policy, the “disclosure” of personal information about children refers to both: (a) USA Climbing’s disclosure of the personal information in identifiable form to a third party (other than a service provider with respect to our Site that has agreed not to use or disclose the personal information other than to the extent necessary to perform services on behalf of USA Climbing); and (b) making any such personal information publicly available in identifiable form by any means, including but not limited to, by public posting on the Site, or through an e-mail service, message board or chat room.
USA Climbing may use and/or disclose personal information about children, without parental consent, to the extent reasonably necessary to:
protect the security or integrity of our Site and online services; take precautions against liability; respond to judicial process; or provide information to law enforcement agencies or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety, to the extent permitted by law. Parental Consent and Rights of Parents
Before knowingly collecting personal information from a child, USA Climbing will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the parent or guardian of the child: (a) receives notice of our personal information collection, use and disclosure practices; and also (b) authorizes the collection and/or use of personal information from the child.
In order for anyone to register as a registered user of the Site, enter any contest or promotion offered on the Site, sign-up for our newsletters, or otherwise participate in any e-mail services, message boards or chat rooms we may establish, he or she must submit an online form that includes such person’s date of birth. If the given date of birth establishes that the person is under the age of 13, the Site automatically provides an online form that requires such person to enter an e-mail address for his or her parent or guardian. We will then send notice of our personal information collection, use and disclosure practices to the parent or guardian at the given e-mail address. Unless we receive authorization from that e-mail address to do so, we will not activate the child’s account, and we will not knowingly collect any further personal information from the child. Further, we will delete all personal information previously provided to us by the child. Finally, if we do receive parental consent to the collection and/or use of personal information about the child, we will send a confirmatory e-mail to the e-mail address from which we received such consent, providing the parent or guardian the opportunity to revoke that consent.
Additionally, if a child wins any contest or promotion offered via the Site, notification and prizes are sent to the parent or guardian who originally provided the parental consent. We will not publish the name, age or image of any child who wins a contest without specific verifiable parental consent to do so. A parent or guardian who consents to our collection and use of personal information about his or her children has the right to simultaneously deny us permission to disclose that personal information.
Once we have received parental consent with respect to the collection, use and/or disclosure of personal information about a specific child, we will not collect, use and/or disclose personal information about that child in any way that materially differs from the practices set forth in our original notice to that child’s parent or guardian without first providing notice of our new practices to the parent or guardian, and obtaining verifiable parental consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of personal information about that child in accordance with our new practices.
A parent or guardian of a child who has provided personal information to us has the following rights:
to require that we provide a description of the specific types or categories of personal information that we collect from children (such as name, address, e-mail address, favorite sports, hobbies and extracurricular activities); to, at any time, refuse to permit our further collection, use or disclosure of any personal information about his or her child; to review the personal information that we have collected from his or her child; to require us to modify any personal information that we have collected from his or her child; and to, any at time, require us to delete all personal information that we have collected from his or her child. To exercise these rights, parents must contact us by one of the methods set forth in the CONTACTING US WITH RESPECT TO THIS PRIVACY POLICY section of this Privacy Policy.
Confidentiality, Security and Integrity of Personal Information Collected from Children Under the Age of 13
We use industry-standard security techniques to provide secure transmission of personal information from users’ computers to our servers, and to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of personal information we have collected at the Site. Please refer to the SECURITY AND INTEGRITY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION section of this Privacy Policy.
An IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you’re surfing the web. Web servers, the big computers that “serve up” web pages, automatically identify your computer by its IP address.
When a user accesses web pages on our Site, our servers automatically log the user’s IP address. USA Climbing uses IP addresses for purposes of system administration, auditing the use of the Site, and reporting aggregate information with respect to Site users to third parties. We do not normally link IP addresses to any information that personally identifies the user, meaning that the user remains anonymous to us. However, we will use IP addresses to determine the identity of a specific user: (a) as is required by law; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to investigate claims with respect to use of the Site; (d) as is reasonably necessary to enforce the terms of the Agreement; and (d) as is reasonably necessary to protect the interests, rights or property of USA Climbing, its member organizations or others.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, some services within the Site, such as message boards, may display a user’s IP address along with his or her user name and message. If you choose to take advantage of such services, you acknowledge and agree that you have voluntarily provided to us information that causes your IP address to link to personally identifying information, and that our obligations with respect to use and disclosure shall be the same as those that apply to any other personal information that you have voluntarily provided to us.
We use industry-standard security techniques to provide secure transmission of your personal information from your computer to our servers, and to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of personal information we have collected at the Site. When you transmit any financial information via the Site, we use industry-standard SSL (secure socket layer) encryption. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your registration information and password, and for all uses of your password. You should remember to sign out of your USA Climbing account and close your browser window when you have finished using the Site, in order to protect against others’ use of the Site under your password. For your protection, we will never ask you to divulge your password in an unsolicited phone call or e-mail.
Site users who are 13 years of age or older may OPT-OUT of:
receiving mail, e-mail and/or phone calls from USA Climbing and its member organizations with respect to USA Climbing, its member organizations, and their respective products, services and upcoming events; receiving information, advertising and promotional materials from third parties via mail. You may OPT-OUT of any such use of your personal information by:
using one of the methods described in the CONTACTING US section of this Privacy Policy; or with respect to personal information you have provided in connection with a purchase from our online store, following the OPT-OUT procedures identified in, or linked to, your order form. Site users who are 13 years of age or older may OPT-IN to receiving information, advertising and promotional materials from third parties via e-mail by using one of the methods described in the CONTACTING US section of this Privacy Policy.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, including but not limited to, exercising parental rights, opting-out of receiving third party mailings, submitting questions with respect to our privacy practices, or requesting that we correct, update or delete personal information that you have previously provided to us by; please feel free to contact us via our website at
Updated August 20th, 2020
Routesetters play a critical role for USA Climbing by designing the field of play for competition climbing. The following code of conduct has been developed to clarify the standard for routesetters to maintain a level of behaviorthat is in line with the values and goals of USA Clmbing.
Routesetter Obligations
Routesetters shall:
1. Adhere to all rules and protocols designed for safety and endeavor to design routes/boulders and field of play areas that take into account the safety of athletes, officials, and spectators.
2. Adhere to USA Climbing’s Safe Sport policies and procedures, including USA Climbing’s Safe Sport Policy and the Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy. These policies may be amended from time to time, in order to protect athletes from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. All routesetters are required to complete USA Climbing’s annual Safe Sport training.
3. Follow all rules and policies as outlined in the USA Climbing Rulebook.
4. Adhere to the anti-doping rules and procedures adopted by the United States Anti-Doping Agency and World Anti-Doping Agency, as such rules may be amended from time to time and never advocate or condone the use of illegal drugs or other banned performance-enhancing substances.
6. Treat everyone fairly within the context of their activity regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, race,sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, religion, economic status, disability, or team affiliation.
7. Consistently display high personal standards and project a favorable image of their sport, USA Climbing, and of routesetting.
For example, routesetters shall:
a) Refrain from public criticism of fellow routesetters, coaches, athletes, parents, judges and USA Climbing;
b) Abstain from the use of tobacco while serving as a routesetter in the presence of youth competitors, and abstain from the consumption of alcohol or other behavior-altering substances while serving as a routesetter in the presence of youth competitors and/or while working in a routesetting capacity;
d) Refrain from the use of profane, insulting, harassing, or otherwise offensive language or behavior in the conduct oftheir duties.
8. Avoid Conflicts of Interest. Routetsetters shall endeavor to create the field of play in the interest of fairness for all competitors, and should always act to uphold the integrity of competition. For example, in the conduct of their duties at and for USA Climbing events, routesetters shall:
a) Respect, demonstrate and promote impartiality;
b) Not share information regarding routesetting or the routes/boulders created (if such information is intended to be confidential based on the rules of the competition), with any competitor, coach or other third party that may put at risk the integrity of the field of play;
c) Create routes/problems in a way that is objective and impartial; never with intention to directly benefit any specific competitor, category, or group of competitors;
d) When routesetting for competitions where the routesetter or an individual of close personal or professional relation to the routesetter (such as spouse, significant other, sibling, child, parent, other close relative, or athlete for which coaching services are provided) may be competing, avoid communication that may be perceived as showing bias;
e) Not allow other business interests (ex. climbing business ownership/employment, climbing company representation, or athlete sponsorship) to interfere with objective and impartial creation of the field of play.
9. Maintain a connection to the climbing community, and keeping current with USA Climbing rules and policies.
10.Treat host facility personnel, judges/officials, parents, and USA Climbing associates with due respect.
11. Routesetters selected for contract routesetting by USA Climbing at a USA Climbing championship event shall have authorized USA Climbing to conduct a background check, shall respond promptly to requests from USA Climbing’s background check vendor for additional information, and shall have passed that screen prior to performing any routesetting services for such event. (Background checks are valid for a maximum of two USA Climbing seasons).
12. Promptly disclose in writing to USA Climbing any and all of the following (including pending cases):
o All misdemeanor drug & alcohol offenses within the past 5 years or multiple offenses[1] regardless of the amount of time since offense.
Failure to follow this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, which may include the issuance of a warning,or temporary or permanent loss of routesetting privileges.
Routesetters Attestation
I have read and understand the above statements and agree to adhere to this USA Climbing Routesetters Code ofConduct. I consent to disclosure to any third party, including to the climbing gym or climbing program where I am employed or seeking to be employed, of information regarding any formal allegations against me, including any investigation by USA Climbing following any such formal allegations against me, and any decision by USA Climbing to provisionally or conclusively deny, suspend or condition my routesetting certification or membership, provided that disclosure of such information is related to USA Climbing’s efforts to promote athlete and other member safety and well-being. I acknowledge and agree that my remedies for disputes arising out of my routesetting certification or membership are (a) a hearing conducted by a hearing panel convened by USA Climbing, and, if I have availed myself of that hearing and dispute the outcome, (b) arbitration conducted under the applicable rules of the American Arbitration Association.
I, the undersigned, certify that I am the parent or legal guardian of the below named Minor Athlete). I understand that my permission and authorization is required in order for Minor Athlete to be trained in abuse prevention by taking the training course(s). I also understand that Minor Athlete will not be permitted to register or take the Training unless I provide my permission by signing this Authorization.
In connection with and in consideration of Minor Athlete’s participation in the Training, I, on behalf of Minor Athlete and myself, my heirs, personal representative(s) and assign(s) hereby represent and agree as follows:
I agree to allow the Minor Athlete to attend and participate in the Training; I authorize the release and disclosure of Minor Athlete’s name, training date, national governing body, and other relevant information, as needed, to authorized third parties (e.g., the U.S. Olympic Committee, the U.S. Center for Safe Sport, etc.) for the purposes of demonstrating that Minor Athlete has completed the Training: I agree to release USA Climbing and its officers, directors, employees, agents and volunteers from any and all liabilities, damages, losses and/or causes of action (collectively, “Claims”) that I may or Minor Athlete may suffer or have, including without limitation, to our persons or property or both, which arise out of, are related to or in connection with, or occur during or as a result of Minor Athlete’s participation in or attendance in the Training except to the extent any such Claims are caused by the gross negligence of willful misconduct of USA Climbing; and I agree that this Authorization shall be governed by the laws of the state of Colorado without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law principles, and if any portion of this Authorization is held invalid, the remainder of the Authorization shall continue in full force and effect.
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older and the parent or legal guardian of the Minor Athlete. In addition, I certify that I have read, fully understand, and agree to the terms of this Authorization, and I sign it voluntarily with the full knowledge of its significance.
Last Updated: August 2020
These Site Terms are not intended to alter the terms or conditions of any agreement you may have with USA Climbing, its subsidiaries or affiliates, such as an agreement to participate in any USA Climbing event. To the extent of any conflict, the terms of your agreement will prevail. By using the Site, you represent and warrant that you are over the age of 18 and are lawfully able to accept these Site Terms. If you are using the Site on behalf of any entity, you further represent and warrant that you are authorized to accept these Site Terms on such entity’s behalf, and that such entity agrees to indemnify USA Climbing for violations of these Site Terms.
USA Climbing is committed to protecting your privacy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information on how we collect, use and disclose personal information.
The Site is owned by USA Climbing. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the content featured or displayed on the Site, including, but not limited to, text, graphics or logos, data (including results of competitions and other records), photos, video, sound, illustrations, software, and the selection and arrangement thereof (“Content”), is owned by USA Climbing, its licensors, or its third-party partners. All elements of the Site, including the Content, are protected by copyright, trade dress, moral rights, trademark and other laws relating to the protection of intellectual property. We also appreciate any feedback or other suggestions that you may submit to us, but you understand that we own such feedback and that we may use such feedback or suggestions without any obligation to compensate you for them.
You may not use the Site or the Content for any purpose not related to your business with USA Climbing. You are specifically prohibited from: (a) downloading, copying, or re-transmitting any or all of the Site or the Content without USA Climbing’s express written agreement; (b) using any data mining, data scraping, robots or similar data gathering or extraction methods; (c) manipulating or otherwise displaying the Site or the Content by using framing or similar navigational technology; (d) reverse engineering, altering or modifying any part of the Site or the Content; (e) circumventing, disabling or otherwise interfering with security-related features of the Site or any system resources, services or networks connected to or accessible through the Site; (f) selling, licensing, leasing, or in any way commercializing the Site or the Content without specific written authorization from USA Climbing; and (g) using the Site or the Content other than for its intended purpose. Such unauthorized use may also violate applicable laws including without limitation copyright and trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and applicable communications regulations and statutes. You represent and warrant that you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including, without limitation, those relating to the Internet, data, e-mail, privacy, and the transmission of technical data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside.
In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other applicable laws, USA Climbing has adopted a policy of terminating, in appropriate circumstances and at USA Climbing’s sole discretion, account holders who infringe the intellectual property rights of USA Climbing or any third party.
If you believe that any material on the Site infringes upon any copyright that you own or control, you may file a notification of such infringement with our Designated Agent as set forth below:
USA Climbing ATTN: Copyright Agent 537 West 600 South Salt Lake City, UT 84101 303-499-0715
USA Climbing trademarks, the USA Climbing logo, and any other product, event, or service name or slogan contained on the Site are trademarks of USA Climbing and its suppliers or licensors, and may not be copied, imitated, or used, whether in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of USA Climbing or the applicable trademark holder. You may not use meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilizing “USA Climbing” or any other name, trademark or product or service name of USA Climbing without our prior written permission. In addition, the look and feel of the Site, including all page headers, custom graphics, button icons and scripts, is the service mark, trademark and/or trade dress of USA Climbing and may not be copied, imitated or used, whether in whole or in part, without our prior written permission. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned in the Site are the property of their respective owners. Reference to any products, services, processes or other information, by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, supplier, or otherwise does not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof by us.
You may not use a USA Climbing logo or other proprietary graphic of USA Climbing to link to the Site without the express written permission of USA Climbing. Further, you may not frame any USA Climbing trademark, logo or other proprietary information, including the Content, without USA Climbing’s express written consent. USA Climbing makes no claim or representation regarding, and accepts no responsibility for, directly or indirectly, the quality, content, nature or reliability of third-party websites accessible from the Site, or websites linking to the Site. Such sites are not under the control of USA Climbing and USA Climbing is not responsible for the contents of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, or any review, changes or updates to such sites. USA Climbing provides these links to you only as a convenience, and the inclusion of any link does not imply affiliation, endorsement or adoption by USA Climbing of any site or any information contained therein. When you leave the Site, you should be aware that our terms and policies no longer govern. You should review the applicable terms and policies, including privacy and data gathering practices, of any site to which you navigate from the Site. Your participation, correspondence or business dealings with any third party found on or through the Site, regarding the payment and delivery of related goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such third party. You agree that USA Climbing shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or other matters of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.
In consideration of your use of the Site, you agree to: (a) provide accurate, current and complete information about you as may be prompted by any registration forms on the Site (“Registration Data”); (b) maintain and promptly update the Registration Data, and any other information you provide to USA Climbing, to keep it accurate, current and complete; (c) maintain the security of any passwords or logins; (d) notify USA Climbing immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or other breach of security; (e) accept all responsibility for any and all activities that occur under your account; and (f) accept all risks of unauthorized access to the Registration Data and any other information you provide to Company.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless USA Climbing, its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, employees, agents, third party information providers and independent contractors against any claims, damages, costs, liabilities and expenses (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or related to your conduct, your use or inability to use the Site, your breach or alleged breach of these Site Terms or of any representation or warranty contained herein, your unauthorized use of the Content or Site, or your violation of any rights of another person.
Any dispute relating in any way to your use of the Site or the Content shall be submitted to confidential arbitration in Salt Lake City, Utah, except that, to the extent you have in any manner violated or threatened to violate USA Climbing’s intellectual property rights, USA Climbing may seek injunctive or other appropriate relief in any state or federal court in the State of Utah, and you consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in such courts. Arbitration under this provision shall be conducted by a single arbitrator under the rules then prevailing of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator’s award shall be binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, no arbitration under this Site Terms shall be joined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to the Site Terms, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise.
Notwithstanding any of these Site Terms, USA Climbing reserves the right, without notice and in its sole discretion, to terminate your account and/or to block or suspend your use of the Site. You may terminate your agreement to these site terms by both writing to USA Climbing using the contact information below AND immediately ceasing use of the Site and all Content. Any subsequent use of the Site or Content will constitute re-agreement to the Site Terms.
Any waiver of any provision of the Site Terms will be effective only if in writing and signed by USA Climbing. If any clause in these Site Terms is found to be unenforceable, wherever possible this will not affect any other clause and each will remain in full force and effect. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.
USA Climbing reserves the right to change any of the terms and conditions contained in the Site Terms or any policy or guideline of the Site, at any time and in its sole discretion. When we make changes, we will revise the “last updated” date at the top of the Site Terms. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on the Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes will constitute your acceptance of such changes. We encourage you to review the Site Terms whenever you visit one of our websites.
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about the Site or Site Terms.
Waiver Form for ADULTS (Age 18 or older)
FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of USA Climbing allowing the undersigned Participant (referred to as “I”, “me”, “my” or “myself”) to participate in any USA Climbing camps, clinics, symposiums, tryouts, practices, competitions, recreation, training, championships and related activities that are sanctioned or approved by USA Climbing, including Adaptive, Bouldering, Collegiate, Sport, Speed and Exhibition events or opportunities (the “Event” or “Events”); I, for myself, and on behalf of my spouse, children, parents, guardians, heirs and next of kin, and any legal and personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby agree to and make the following contractual representations pursuant to this Participant Waiver and Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement (the “Agreement”);
I hereby represent that (i)I am at least eighteen (18) years of age or older; (ii) I am in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in the Event; and (iii) I am not under the influence of alcohol or any illicit or prescription drugs which would in any way impair my ability to safely participate in the Event. I agree that it is my sole responsibility to determine whether I am sufficiently fit and healthy enough to participate in the Event, that I am responsible for my own safety and well being at all times and under all circumstances while at the Event site.
I understand and acknowledge the risks and dangers associated with participation in Event and the sport of climbing and related activities, including without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury, sickness and disease (including communicable disease); muscular-skeletal injuries and strains; permanent disability, paralysis and loss of life; physical or emotional injury; social or economic losses; and loss of or damage to personal property and equipment. Risk and dangers include, but are not limited to: accidents, contact or collision with other participants, volunteers, natural or manmade objects, including artificial climbing surfaces; imperfect premises and climbing conditions, including loose and/or damaged artificial holds; surface hazards; falling to the ground, onto other individuals or objects, or being fallen upon by other participants; abrasions from walls, ropes, holds, or the floor; the condition and adequacy of my equipment; equipment failure; belay failure; inadequate safety measures; climbing beyond my personal limits; participants of varying skill levels; the negligence of other participants, climbers, belayers, volunteers, spectators, or other persons present at the Event; inaccurate or poorly informed judging; inappropriate application of rules or standards; adverse weather conditions; situations beyond the control of the Event Organizers; and other undefined risks and dangers which may not be readily foreseeable or are presently unknown (“Risks”). I understand that such Risks cannot be eliminated without diminishing the essential qualities of the sport of climbing, and that these Risks may be caused in whole or in part by my own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the Event, or the acts, inaction or negligence of the Released Parties defined below, and I hereby expressly assume all such Risks and responsibility for any damages, liabilities, losses or expenses which I incur as a result of my participation in any Event.
I understand and agree to be familiar with and to abide by the Bylaws, Rules, regulations and standards established by USA Climbing, including for the Event, established for the benefit and safety of all particpants. I accept sole responsibility for my own conduct and actions while participating in the Event, and understand that USA Climbing has the authority to restrict and/or remove me from participation in the Event for any reason they deem just and proper in their sole discretion.
I hereby Release, Waive and Covenant Not to Sue, and further agree to Indemnify, Defend and Hold Harmless the following parties: USA Climbing; the United States Olympic Committee (USOC); the Event Owner(s), Director(s), Promoter(s), Regional Coordinators and Local Organizing Committee(s); Event Sponsors and Advertisers; Event Officials, Judges, Scorekeepers, Belayers, Routesetters, Coaches, Trainers, Clubs, Teams and Athletes/Competitors; Owners or Lessors of Premises used to conduct the Event; Law Enforcement Agencies and other Public Entities providing support for the Event; and each of their respective parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, officers, directors, partners, shareholders, members, agents, employees and volunteers (Individually and Collectively, the “Released Parties” or “Event Organizers”), with respect to any liability, claim(s), demand(s), cause(s) of action, damage(s), loss or expense (including court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees) of any kind or nature (“Liability”) which may arise out of, result from, or relate to my participation in the Event, including claims for Liability caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Released Parties. I further agree that if, despite this Agreement, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim for Liability against any of the Released Parties, I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any such Liability which any may be incurred as the result of such claim.
I hereby warrantthat I am of legal age and competent to enter into this Agreement, that I have read this Agreement carefully, understand its terms and conditions, acknowledge that I will be giving up substantial legal rights by signing it (including the rights, my spouse, children, parents, guardians, heirs and next of kin, and any legal and personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns), acknowledge that I have signed this Agreement freely and voluntarily, without any inducement, assurance or guarantee, and intend for my signature to serve as confirmation of my complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement represents the complete understanding between the parties regarding these issues and no oral representations, statements or inducements have been made apart from this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
Waiver Form for MINORS (Under Age 18)
FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of USA Climbing allowing the minor identified below (“Minor”) to participate in any USA Climbing camps, clinics, symposiums, tryouts, practices, competitions, recreation, training, championships and related activities that are sanctioned or approved by USA Climbing, including Adaptive, Bouldering, Collegiate, Sport, Speed and Exhibition events or opportunities (the “Event” or “Events”); I, for myself, and on behalf of Minor, and the Minor’s parents/legal guardians, heirs and next of kin, and any legal and personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, hereby agree to and make the following contractual representations pursuant to this Participant Waiver and Release of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement (the “Agreement”);
I hereby represent that (i) I am the parent or legal guardian of the Minor;; (ii) the Minor is in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in the Event; and (iii) the Minor is not under the influence of alcohol or any illicit or prescription drugs which would in any way impair the Minor’s ability to safely participate in the Event. I agree that I am responsible for the Minor’s safety and well being at all times and under all circumstances while at the Event
I understand and acknowledge the risks and dangers associated with the Minor’s participation in Event and the sport of climbing and related activities, including without limitation, the potential for serious bodily injury, sickness and disease (including communicable disease); muscular-skeletal injuries and strains; permanent disability, paralysis and loss of life; physical or emotional injury; social or economic losses; and loss of or damage to personal property and equipment. Risk and dangers include, but are not limited to: accidents, contact or collision with other participants, volunteers, natural or manmade objects, including artificial climbing surfaces; imperfect premises and climbing conditions, including loose and/or damaged artificial holds; surface hazards; falling to the ground, onto other individuals or objects, or being fallen upon by other participants; abrasions from walls, ropes, holds, or the floor; the condition and adequacy of the Minor’s equipment; equipment failure; belay failure; inadequate safety measures; climbing beyond the Minor’s personal limits; participants of varying skill levels; the negligence of other participants, climbers, belayers, volunteers, spectators, or other persons present at the Event; inaccurate or poorly informed judging; inappropriate application of rules or standards; adverse weather conditions; situations beyond the control of the Event Organizers; and other undefined risks and dangers which may not be readily foreseeable or are presently unknown (“Risks”). I understand that such Risks cannot be eliminated without diminishing the essential qualities of the sport of climbing, and that these Risks may be caused in whole or in part by the Minor’s own actions or inactions, the actions or inactions of others participating in the Event, or the acts, inaction or negligence of the Released Parties defined below, and on behalf of the Minor, I hereby expressly assume all such Risks and responsibility for any damages, liabilities, losses or expenses which I incur as a result of the Minor’s participation in any Event.
I understand and agree that the Minor is required to be familiar with and to abide by the Bylaws, Rules, regulations and standards established by USA Climbing, including for the Event, established for the benefit and safety of all particpants. I accept sole responsibility for the conduct and actions of the Minor while he or she is participating in the Event, and understand that USA Climbing has the authority to disqualify anyone or deny participation in the Event for any reason they deem just and proper in their sole discretion.
On behalf of the Minor, I hereby Release, Waive and Covenant Not to Sue, and further agree to Indemnify, Defend and Hold Harmless the following parties: USA Climbing; the United States Olympic Committee (USOC); the Event Owner(s), Director(s), Promoter(s), Regional Coordinators and Local Organizing Committee(s); Event Sponsors and Advertisers; Event Officials, Judges, Scorekeepers, Belayers, Routesetters, Coaches, Trainers, Clubs, Teams and Athletes/Competitors; Owners or Lessors of Premises used to conduct the Event; Law Enforcement Agencies and other Public Entities providing support for the Event; and each of their respective parent, subsidiary and affiliated companies, officers, directors, partners, shareholders, members, agents, employees and volunteers (Individually and Collectively, the “Released Parties” or “Event Organizers”), with respect to any liability, claim(s), demand(s), cause(s) of action, damage(s), loss or expense (including court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees) of any kind or nature (“Liability”) which may arise out of, result from, or relate to the Minor’s participation in the Event, including claims for Liability caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Released Parties. I further agree that if, despite this Agreement, the Minor, or anyone on the Minor’s behalf, makes a claim for Liability against any of the Released Parties, I will indemnify, defend and hold harmless each of the Released Parties from any such Liability which any may be incurred as the result of such claim.
I hereby warrant that I am of legal age and competent to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the Minor,that I have read this Agreement carefully, understand its terms and conditions, acknowledge that I will be giving up substantial legal rights by signing it (including the rights of the minor, my spouse, children, parents, guardians, heirs and next of kin, and any legal and personal representatives, executors, administrators, successors and assigns), acknowledge that I have signed this Agreement freely and voluntarily, without any inducement, assurance or guarantee, and intend for my signature to serve as confirmation of my complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms, conditions and provisions of this Agreement. This Agreement represents the complete understanding between the parties regarding these issues and no oral representations, statements or inducements have been made apart from this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
PDF COVID Resources
Click on where your membership says “current” you will see the option to renew your 2023/24 membership at the bottom of the form.
You will need to cancel and re-set up the auto renewal with the updated card information. You can access your auto renewal by logging in to your USA climbing account. Click on the “Memberships” tab then click on where your membership shows “Current”. You will see the option to start or cancel your auto renewal at the bottom of the form.
You can access your auto renewal by logging in to your USA climbing account. Click on the “Memberships” tab then click on where your membership shows “Current”. You will see the option to start or cancel your auto renewal at the bottom of the form.
Send an email to or a submit a support ticket with your name and the new email address you would like as the primary on your account.
Memberships have moved to a rolling structure and valid for a year from purchase date
Registration is open. Memberships have moved to a rolling structure and are valid for a year from the purchase date. If you selected auto renewal, your membership will renew on the date you purchased the previous year
Please reach out to for assistance.
SafeSport training is required annually.
Those who have taken the Core training only need to take the 15 minute annual refresher upon expiration.
Those who have taken the Refresher Course: Recognizing and Reporting Misconduct, only need to take Refresher 2 upon expiration.
Those who have taken Refresher 2 only need to complete Refresher 3
Only one training is required annually.
To access the refresher courses you do not need to renew your Core Training. Click on “Add Center for Safe Sport Training” to locate the refresher courses.
Each year, the deadline for the annual refresher is one year from the training completion date.
The USA Climbing Safe Sport access code is no longer in use. Please access the Safe Sport training from within your USA climbing account by clicking on the “Center for Safe Sport Training” tab.
The Safe Sport training is accessed within a members account profile and an access code is no longer necessary. Once in the account you will see “Center for Safe Sport Training” on the left side of the profile. Click on “Add Center for Safe Sport Training”
After the initial Core Training, which may take up to about 90 minutes to complete, annual refreshers are required which generally take about 20 minutes to complete.
Not at this time. The Center has created an optional online training course intended for youth athletes (subject to parent or guardian consent).
All Certified Officials must complete Safe Sport training. In addition, Isolation Coordinators, Event Organizers, and Volunteer Coordinators will be required to obtain the Volunteer-Covered membership and to complete Safe Sport training. All other volunteers are encouraged to take the free training by registering for the USA Climbing Volunteer Non-Covered Membership and accessing the “Center for Safe Sport Training” from within your USA Climbing account profile on the left side of your dashboard.
Parental consent is required if you are under 18. This is accessed through the training itself in your USA Climbing account. If your parents are concerned about the training or object to you completing the training it is not required until you turn 18. Once you are an adult member you must have the training complete to continue your membership with USA Climbing.
If the training requirement applies to your membership, then it is required for you have completed training prior to competing in USA Climbing sanctioned events, participate in USA Climbing camps or other training activities, and to utilize USA Climbing facilities.
The training is also required in order to utilize USOPC facilities for training, competition or any other reason.
Under USA Climbing’s existing policies and practices, the following categories of individuals continue to be required to complete the Safe Sport training including annual refresher training:
This Policy applies to the following Covered Individuals:
i. USA Climbing Staff
ii. USA Climbing Introductory, Competitor, Paraclimbing, and Collegiate Members 18-years and older
iii. USA Climbing Interns iv. USA Climbing Board Members v. USA Climbing Designated Committee Members (NGC, Audit, Judicial, Hearing Panel Pool, and Team Selection)
vi. USA Climbing National, Divisonal, and Regional Coordinators
vii. USA Climbing Certified Coaches viii. USA Climbing Certified Officials ix. USA Climbing Certified Routesetters x. USA Climbing Covered Volunteers (i.e. volunteer coordinator, isolation coordinator, event organizers)
xi. USA Climbing National Team Contracted Medical Personnel (i.e. doctors, trainers, etc.)
xii. USA Climbing Contracted Massage Therapists
xiii. USA Climbing Contractors who have regular contact with minor athletes (i.e. official National Team Chaperones)
xiv. USA Climbing National Team Athletes in USADA’s Registered Testing Pool
xv. Any other individual that USA Climbing formally authorizes, approves or appoints (a) to a position of authority over, or (b) to have regular contact with any athlete
Regular Contact (from the U.S. Center for Safe Sport 2022 MAAPP Policies) or “Sustained Interaction” includes ongoing interactions during a 12-month period wherein an Adult Participant is in a role of direct and active engagement with any Minor Athlete.
We are all committed to athlete safety. The training is one piece in sustaining a safe environment for all athletes. Safe Sport Training helps all of us to be more aware of unsafe behavior and potential disruptions to athletes’ desire to train, compete and enjoy their sport.
The law, “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017” authorizes the U.S. Center for Safe Sport (the “Center”) to address the risk of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse of amateur athletes in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movements. The Center provides education and requirements consistent with the law, and this training is part of those requirements. The training is required by the Center, the USOC and USA Climbing.
The USA Climbing Safe Sport access code is no longer in use. Please access the Safe Sport training from within your USA Climbing account by clicking on the “Center for Safe Sport Training” tab.
The system isn’t designed for a member to upload a Safe Sport Certificate. Everything is now completed through your USA Climbing account. If you completed your training outside your USA climbing account, please email your certificate to
Please click on where the course says “Resume” and click the X at the bottom of the page. This is the finalizing step to a current status.
The Refresher courses can be found by clicking on “Add Center for Safe Sport Training” it will automatically reflect to a current status once complete.
No, only one 15 minute annual refresher is required.
Click on where your certification says “Lapsed” and work through the form. You will need to re-upload, change the expiration dates, and save.
The Level 1 membership type can be found by clicking on where your membership says “Current” “Renew” or “Lapsed” (whichever status it is in) where you will find “Change Membership Type” on the bottom of the form where you can renew the membership type of your choice.
Upgrade by clicking on where your Level 1 coach membership says “Current”, click on “Change Membership Type” where you can select the Level 2 membership and pay the difference of the fees.
Visit the roster page here to learn more:
Detailed steps can be found on the Roster Page:
A coach’s membership must be fully current prior to coaching at a USA Climbing sanctioned event.
Yes, a Level 1 Coach membership is a minimum requirement to be on the competition floor at a USA Climbing sanctioned event.
A level 2 Coach membership allows isolation access.
Introductory Memberships have been discontinued for the 2023-24 season. Any Introductory Membership that has not expired before the start of the season will be automatically upgraded to the Competitor Membership.
Collegiate competitors can compete in QEs in any collegiate division.
Proof of enrollment is uploaded in the Documents tab of your USA Climbing Account.
For instructions, visit What can be used for Proof of Enrollment?
View sample documents on Collegiate Proof of Enrollment Examples
No, a competitor must have a Collegiate Membership in order to be able to compete at Collegiate Nationals. If a competitor wants to be eligible for Collegiate Nationals, they must upgrade their Collegiate Recreational Membership to a Collegiate Membership prior to Nationals Qualification Event.
The Collegiate Recreational membership allows participation at Qualification Events only. A competitor must upgrade to the Collegiate membership prior to Nationals Qualification Event.
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