Judges Committee
The Judges Committee was formed to support and advance the development of judging at all USA Climbing sanctioned competitions. The Committee’s activities specifically include the ongoing development and implementation of the Judge Certification Program, with the intention of increasing the number of trained and certified judges for all Regional, Divisional, and National USA Climbing competitions.
Chair: Michael Sprague Email: judges@usaclimbing.org
Directions to access the training:
Jury President: Mike Sprague
USAC Judges: Josh Calfy, Shannon Lucia
Speed Judge: Ty Hardaway
Aspirant Judge: TBA
Jury President: Josh Calfy
USAC Judge: Jeff Cass
Aspirant Judge: Pam Raines
Jury President: Ruchir Sehra
USAC Judges: TBA
Jury President: Mark Vasta
Speed Judge: TBA
Jury President: Karalyn Aronow
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