Join us to cheer for Team USA and the world’s best competition climbers as IFSC World Cups return to Salt Lake City. The Boulder and Speed World Cup returns May 3-5, while the Paraclimbing World Cup returns May 7-8.
The NTC will support the needs of the country’s top climbers, including dedicated training and recovery areas for elite and para athletes. These decisions will be informed by athlete members of our Board of Directors, Committees, and Task Forces and will further our national athletes’ success at events, including World Cups and the Olympic Games.
The NTC will be designed to accommodate major competitions, large crowds of spectators, and broadcasting teams. This will create a reliable venue for the country’s largest climbing events, especially international competitions that welcome athletes from all over the world.
Most areas of the NTC will be open for the public to climb when not in use for events, including bouldering, lead, and speed terrain. USA Climbing hopes to create a community asset for Salt Lake City, offering new climbing opportunities for residents, and work with local commercial gyms to ensure access for their youth teams.
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