Back to News USA Climbing recently became aware that Alex Fritz, a former member of the organization, was arrested in Snohomish County, WA and charged with multiple counts of sexual crimes involving a minor. An investigation by the U.S. Center for SafeSport (“Center”) and law enforcement led to the arrest and USA Climbing has been supporting the Center in its ongoing inquiry. Following the guidance of the Center, USA Climbing previously suspended Mr. Fritz on Dec. 16, 2020. “USA Climbing is deeply disturbed by the allegations. As an organization that prioritizes the safety and protection of our members, we want to thank the U.S. Center for SafeSport and local authorities for their collaboration in promoting that goal,” said Marc Norman, CEO of USA Climbing. “We are absolutely committed to creating a safe environment for the entirety of our community and call upon our athletes, parents, coaches, gyms and all members to remain vigilant and report any suspected abuse,” said Bruce Mitchell, President of USA Climbing’s Board of Directors. “We especially want to thank those individuals who, in some cases reliving painful experiences, reported this matter to the U.S. Center for SafeSport.” To learn more about USA Climbing’s SafeSport policy or report a concern, please go here.